Invex Therapeutics Ltd (ASX:IXC)
Invex Therapeutics Ltd is a late stage biotechnology company focused on treatments for neurological conditions derived from raised intracranial pressure.
Forrest Capital's Role:
Associates of Forrest were founding shareholders in the private company Invex Therapeutics Pty Ltd which was established in partnership with The University of Birmingham, UK and Dr Alexandra J Sinclair to acquire and advance the Intellectual Property covering the repurposing of Exenatide in the area of Idipoathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) or swelling on the brain with no known cause.
- Principles of Forrest were substantial funders of the partnership with The University of Birmingham
- Forrest gave corporate advice to Invex of listing on the ASX
- Raised $12 million as Lead Manager to the IPO
- Introduced substantial holder Minderoo Group Pty Ltd to the register of Invex
- Forrest was also co-lead manager in a follow on capital raising of $26 million to fund the companies pIII trial